Ready to Make a Difference?
This qualification is suited to those working as administrators and project officers. In this role, individuals use well-developed skills and a broad knowledge base to apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems and analyse information from a variety of sources. They may provide leadership and guidance to others with some limited responsibility for the output of others.
Cost, Duration and Method of Study
This course is available for both International and Domestic students who are looking for a Certificate IV in Business. Please select your location below to find out more information.
Certificate IV in Business - BSB40215
CRICOS Course Code: 086951G
26 weeks (20 hours per week).
All students will be required to complete approximately 10 hours of self-study per week.

Certificate IV in Business - BSB40215

Total Cost
Full cost for domestic fee paying students.
Subsidised Training
We can offer subsided training courses to eligible applicants through the Smart and Skilled Program. Please visit our Subsided Training courses page to find out more and check if you are eligible.
Subsidised Training
Payment plans are available to eligible students. Please contact us for more information regarding payment plans and what options may be available to you.
Up to 1 year.
Mode of Study
- Classroom-based plus online and distance study.
- Online via Moodle
- Distance study
- Mixed mode
Available Units
This course consists of 10 units of competence, 1 unit of competence which are core and 9 units of competence which are elective. A combination of electives that meets the packaging rules has been chosen to result in the award of the Certificate IV in Business.
Core Subjects
Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
Elective Subjects
Organise meetings -
Make a presentation -
Address customer needs -
Review and maintain a website -
Design and develop complex text documents
Develop and use complex spreadsheets -
Develop teams and individuals -
Promote products and services -
Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Students are not required to undertake a voluntary work placement with this course. A simulated environment will be provided during training where students can practice theory with a realistic outcome.
Further Information
Students who undertake this qualification will gain the skills and knowledge necessary for a business
environment, explaining how they contribute to organisational objectives and teach skills needed to
work within these functions.
Depending on the electives chosen, this qualification may lead to the positions of:
Accounts Clerk
Customer Service Advisor
E-business Practitioner
Legal Receptionist
Medical Receptionist
Office Administration Assistant
Student Services Officer
Word Processing Operator
As part of the Australian Qualifications Framework, this program is nationally recognised. On successful completion of all units of competency, a student will be awarded a Certificate IV in Business - BSB40215.
If all units of competency are not achieved a Statement of Attainment will be issued for the units that have been successfully completed.
AQF certification documentation is issued to a student within 30 calendar days of the student being assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product for the training program in which the student is enrolled and has completed, and providing all agreed fees the student owes have been paid.
After achieving this qualification candidates may undertake:
A range of Diploma level qualifications within the Business Services Training Package, or other Training Packages.
RPL & Credit Transfer
National recognition is the process that recognises qualifications or Statements of Attainment issued by another Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that are the same as the competencies in the course you have enrolled in. This process is called credit transfer and Astute Training Pty Ltd recognises qualifications issued by other RTO’s once verified.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the acknowledgement of skills and knowledge previously attained through formal training, work experience and/or life experience. Recognition of Prior Learning may be applied for at the time of enrolment with Astute Training Pty Ltd you will need to provide certified copies of your qualifications or the original certificate(s) along with the RPL form provided by Astute Training Pty Ltd to allow Astute Training Pty Ltd to assess your eligibility for RPL. International students are advised of the RPL process at the time of application and again at induction.
In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the student is currently competent against the endorsed industry standards specified in the Australian Quality Training Framework accredited courses. Evidence could take a number of forms and could include certification, references from employers, testimonials and work samples. The assessor must ensure the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient.
If you would like to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfers please complete this form and email it to [email protected] or give it directly to your trainer.
Students are encouraged to discuss RPL with their trainer prior to starting the training course or as soon as possible into the training period. If after assessment the student is not satisfied with the decision, they should lodge an appeal in writing within thirty (30) days addressed to the CEO of Astute Training Pty Ltd. The portfolio will then be given to an independent RPL assessor for reassessment. The cost of the re-assessment will be borne by the applicant. The decision of the independent assessor is final.
Should a student require more information or need assistance make an appointment with Student Support.
Please Note- International Students
International students will be required to attend Astute Training Pty Ltd 20 hours per week for the duration of the course regardless of the outcome of your RPL application (a requirement of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students -The National Code). If your RPL Application is successful and the course duration is reduced, Astute Training Pty Ltd will report the change of your course duration to Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) via PRISMS under S19 of the ESOS Act 2000. If you finish the course early, you must then enrol in another registered course or depart Australia immediately unless you have been given authorisation by DIBP to remain in Australia. All RPL applications will be kept in your file.
Assessment Methods
Competency-Based Training
Assessment is an integral part of all training courses. At Astute Training Pty Ltd we collect evidence using Competency-Based Training from students which proves their ability to demonstrate skills, knowledge, attitude and application required to perform effectively in the relevant industries.
Competency-Based Training ensures that students have a portfolio of evidence collected by a variety of means such as:
- Classroom exercises and workbook activities
- Assignments and Projects
- Group Activities
- Verbal and/or written questions
- Written activities
- Observation in the workplace or simulated environment
- Portfolio
Qualifications are made up of Units of Competency (UOC) or subjects. The grading of your assessments will be Competent (C) which means that students have met the standard criteria or Not Yet Competent (NYC) which means a student needs some improvement. If a student is graded NYC the student will be given the opportunity to redo the assessment and achieve competence.
Assessment dates are provided on the first day of class via student timetables. Have a look at our Guide to Assessments at Astute Training Pty Ltd!
Our Trainers
The role of an Astute Training Pty Ltd assessor is to objectively assess and judge a student’s evidence against a set of standards. Assessors at Astute Training Pty Ltd all have sound industry knowledge and hold an appropriate TAE40110 Qualification in Training and Education.
Our assessors will
- Use their expertise to make fair and objective judgements
- Ensure the evidence meets the standards
- Ensure that evidence is valid, authentic, current and sufficient
If a student feels that they have not been treated fairly in assessments, or in any other area of their time with Astute Training Pty Ltd, they have the right to appeal decisions and make complaints. Please see our Student Handbooks for detailed information on the complaints process.
At course completion students will be issued with certification and transcriptions appropriate to their competency of all successfully completed units.
Attendance Requirements
Current class timetables are available to all students via the Student Login section of this website.
Students are required to maintain a minimum of 80% attendance of scheduled classes.
International Students are also required to attend 20 hours of classes each week and, in order to remain compliant with Student Visa conditions, students’ attendance must not fall below 80% during a term.
All leave is to be taken in scheduled breaks and must be approved prior to leave being taken. No approval will be given outside these dates except for exceptional circumstances.
All attendance procedures and requirements are outlined in the relevant Student Handbook. See the Resources menu to find the Student Handbook.
Entry Requirements
Students must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
In accordance with the National Code 2018, Astute Training Pty Ltd places students in the courses most appropriate to their level and goals.
All students are expected to have reached an acceptable level of proficiency in the English language. International students need an IELTS level of 5.5 or higher or have completed an approved English Test listed below.
The IELTS provided must have been taken no more than two years before the time of the application.
From 5 November 2011, the department will accept test results from the following specified English language tests for Student visa purposes taken in any country:
- Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based test (TOEFL iBT)
- Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic
- Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test (also known as Certificate in Advanced English).
For more information visit:
The Department of Home Affairs

Our students always make us smile but we smile even broader when they send beautiful emails like this. Thank you Francis Tuquib and we all wish you the very best life has to offer as you leave us for your new life. We will miss you!
“One of the best things about Penrith? It is to be at home with my Astute family. Very professional, but listens to you like how a parent does. Never did i regret picking up Astute as my education provider here in Australia. And so to my family at Astute (Di, Karen, Cindy, Kim, Debbie, Kris, Rachel, did I miss anyone? Oh, the gorgeous tandem of Brittney Gee and Lauren Smith),“
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Astute Training
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At Astute Training, we place the needs of our students first. That is why we have worked hard to find the best instructors in the field, offer challenging, real-world courses, and provide plenty of career guidance to our students. If you would like to learn more about how an education from Astute Training can help you jumpstart your career, then contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you!